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Unofficial Guide to Starting a Business Online - 2nd edition
pdf | 459 pages | 2.86 MB

Only a few years into its popular use, the World Wide Web has already enabled thousands to set up online businesses that require a minimum of upkeep and maximum profits. The Unofficial Guide to Starting a Business Online is the cyber-entrepreneur's ultimate guide to every aspect of hanging out a shingle in the virtual world. Here's what readers get:

* Step-by-step advice and key information on setting up shop online, from creating a Web site to marketing and advertising big on a shoestring budget
* Addresses for hundreds of Web sites they can use as start-up references that would have taken hundreds of hours to track down alone
* A rundown of the best businesses to start online, and advice for choosing the right one
* Pointers on combining traditional selling techniques with Web-specific ones for the best of all possible plans!

