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RenameMaestro is the easy way to rename files and folders. It can keep existing file numbers meaningful when renaming. Find and replace with wildcards. Use the quick single action mode, or stepby step multiple action mode. Drag drop and rename thousands of files instantly.
TouchCopy from Wide Angle Software is a simple utitlity for all Apple lovers. It allows you to transfer files, music, videos or playlists from your PC to iPod or iPhone. Yes, of course you can use iTunes, but not everyone likes it so this is a great alternative. Group LineZero just released the latest version.
Transfer Music, Playlists, Photos and Videos from any iPod or iPhone to your PC or Mac.
Tutor to study TCP/IP
Easy way to learn TCP/IP through a series of movies.
- No expensive classroom training courses.
- No boring hard to follow books to read.
- Learn from your own desk at a pace that suits you.
- High quality affordable training that is easy to use and follow.
- Use our unique training method, it makes learning easy no matter what your learning style.
Duration: 5 hrs / 81 lessons
Compatibility: Win XP, Vista, 2000, 98, NT, Mac OS X, OS 9
Need : Quick Time Pro to Play All Videos Lesson
HDR is one of the hottest trends in digital photography right now and we’re going to dive in head first during this online training course.
Lesson 01 Introduction (3:57)
Lesson 02 What is HDR? (3:53)
Lesson 03 How to Shoot for HDR (8:09)
Lesson 04 Using Photoshops Built-in HDR tools (7:17)
Lesson 05 Starting with Photomatix (6:46)
Lesson 06 Tone Mapping Detail Enhancer (10:59)
Lesson 07 Tone Mapping Tone Compressors (4:37)
Lesson 08 Quick Tip (3:17)
Lesson 09 Saving Your Image (4:34)
Lesson 10 Post Processing in Lightroom (9:19)
Lesson 11 Post Processing in Camera Raw (9:06)
Lesson 12 Adding Photoshop (7:54)
Lesson 13 The Surreal Fantasy Style (10:20)
Lesson 14 Photomatix Batching and HDR Panoramas (10:32)
Lesson 15 Pseudo-HDR from One Photo (7:33)
Lesson 16 Quick Tip 2 (2:06)
Lesson 17 HDR Workflow with Lightroom (10:25)
Lesson 18 HDR Workflow with Bridge and Photoshop (9:43)
Lesson 19 Conclusion (0:32)
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.Net Security Videos + Code
ACL integration with Cardspace
Attach credentials to WebService call
Cross Site Request forgery
Integrating SQL Membership provider
Managed card
Secure webconfig
Setting up SQL Provider
SQL Injection attack
Identity Theft Knowledge
Publisher: Lee Rupprecht | ISBN: N\A | edition 2008 | PDF | 10 pages | 1,16 mb
Identity Theft is a growning concern for everyone.
Learn what it is and what you can do about it.
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Britannica Illustrated Science Library 2009
Britannica Company | ISBN: 9781593393823 | 2009 | PDF
Very Much pages 16,000 Imagines | 280 Mb | US$399
The Britannica Illustrated Science Library is a visually compelling set that covers earth science, life science, and physical science in 16 volumes. Created for grades 5-9, each volume provides an overview on the subject and thoroughly explains it through detailed and powerful graphics, turning complex subjects into visual information that students can quickly grasp. Students will be captivated by more than 16,000 unforgettable images—over 1,000 per volume—that simplify and engage, ultimately providing a thorough understanding of each important topic. Each volume contains an Index and a glossary with full definitions for vocabulary help.
— Establishes a confident understanding of science
— Develops research and reference skills
— Provides answers for curious minds
— Single source for a wide range of topics across the curriculum
— Immediate engagement through vivid illustrations
— Clear concise text explains major scientific concepts
— Earth, life and physical sciences covered in a consistent editorial approach
16 volume includes:
01 - Universe
02 - Rocks and Minerals
03 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes
04 - Weather and Climate
05 - Evolution and Genetics
06 - Plants, Algae and Fungi
07 - Invertebrates
08 - Fish and Amphibians
09 - Reptiles and Dinosaurs
10 - Birds
11 - Mammals
12 - Human Body 01
13 - Human Body 02
14 - Energy and Movement
15 - Technology
16 - Space Exploration
Volume: 01