Never before has one man seen so much of the future. Your future
His Voice continues to echo throgh the corridors of time....his predictions are frightingly accurate...and every few years, when a calamity of Horrific proportions hits mankind, we remember the man who foresaw it all....NOSTRADAMUS!
From the writings of the classic prophets and contemporary visionaries from across five continents, this program takes a sober, yet thought-provoking view upon their insights, predictions, warnings and hopes for the future. Will mankind survive? Are the prophecies of the age upon us? Watch - Prepare - Decide. Then await the fulfillment of… Prophecy and Prediction.
Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566) - a voice from the past that echoes through the corridors of time and continues to mystify us today - over 400 years after his death. Nostradamus, a French professor, physician, astrologer, mathematician and brilliant scholar, won lasting fame in 1559 when King Henry II died in a manner predicted in Centuries - one of Nostradamus' works of prophecies.
Nostradamus moved to Spain after his family fell victim to the plague. These years of solitude resulted in over 1,300 prophecies - many so frightening in detail, they continue to influence our lives today. His predictions include the French Revolution, the fall of Napoleon, both World Wars, the rise and collapse of the Third Reich, the invention of nuclear arsenals and their devastation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Kennedy assassinations, man's landing on the moon, the fatal attack on Pope Paul VI, Ayatollah Khomeini and the Persian Gulf Conflict, as well as an array of natural disasters.
Furthermore, this program quests into the next millennium by decoding predictions which extend and will influence mankind for the next one thousand years.
Prophecy and Prediction:
Radical earth changes, massive social upheaval, freak weather conditions, seismic events that capture the world's attention… Is this the beginning of a new "Golden Age" or a predicted, imminent end of an accelerated era?