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HEROES - Season 2 Complete

Heroes is ascience fiction drama television series created by Tim Kring.
It premiered on NBC on Sept 25, 2006.
It is a story of several people who "thought they were like everyone else... until they realized they have incredible abilities."
These people soon realize they have a role in preventing a catastrophe and saving humanity.
Kring said "we have talked about where the show goes up to five seasons."
password : sarkar

HEROES - Season 2 Complete

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ROCK STARS - Monster Ballads Xmas

1. Jingle Bells (Skid Row)
2. Happy Christmas (Winger)
3. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Warrant)
4. I'll Be Home for Christmas (Twisted Sister)
5. White Christmas (Queensryche)
6. Run Rudolph Run (L.A. Guns)
7. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree (Firehouse)
8. Naughty Naughty Christmas (Danger Danger)
9. Blue Christmas (Cinderella)
10. Jingle Bell Rock (Nelson)
11. Silent Night (Faster PussyCat)
12. Twelve Days of Christmas (Dokken)
13. Happy Holiday (Enuff Z'Nuff)
14. Winter Wonderland (Stryper)
15. Christmas Love (Billy Idol)



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Sample: Code:

Rapidshare Links: Code:

http://rapidshare.com/files/45266226/Heroes.Unmasked.S01E01.HR.HDTV.XviD-PVR.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/45266663/Heroes.Unmasked.S01E01.HR.HDTV.XviD-PVR.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/45266692/Heroes.Unmasked.S01E01.HR.HDTV.XviD-PVR.part2.rar

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The SIMPSONS - Christmas Stories


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Stairway To Heaven - A Satan (666) Song ?

Stairway To Heaven - A Satan (666) Song ?

Stairway To Heaven - A Satan (666) Song ?

1. The original-version of "Stairway to Heaven"

Original Lyric :
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow,
Don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by,
But in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.

2. The reversed-version of "Stairway to Heaven"

Reversed Lyric :

Oh here's to my sweet SATAN.
I want to live backwards like the ZEP, whose power is SATAN.
He will give those with him 666.
There was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad SATAN.

Stairway To Heaven - A Satan (666) Song ?

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (original version)

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (reversed version)


STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (original full version)


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ENYA - The Romantic Years (2007)

• Orinoco Flow
• Caribian Blue
• The Memory of Trees
• I Want Tomorrow
• Evening Falls…
• Book Of Days
• Anywhwre Is
• To Go Beyond part 1
• To Go Beyond part 2
• Storms In Africa

• Angels
• China Roses
• Portrait (out of the blue)
• Exile
• The Catts
• How Can I Keep From Singing
• On Your Shore
• Shepred Moon
• La Sonadora
• Watermark

ENYA - The Romantic Years (2007)


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PC Media Antivirus 1.0 RC23 telah resmi dirilis bersamaan dengan terbitnya Majalah PC Media edisi 01/2008. Pada rilis kali ini, PCMAV mampu mengenali 1.368 virus beserta variannya yang banyak dilaporkan dan menyebar di Indonesia. Ulasan selanjutnya mengenai rilis ini dapat dibaca di VirusIndonesia.com.

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Paket di atas sudah memasukkan PCMAV RC23 Update Build1. Untuk mendownload file update secara terpisah dapat dilakukan melalui link berikut:

- RC23 Update Build1: Ziddu.com | DivShare.com | Indowebster.com

Masukkan file RC23.VDB dalam direktori PCMAV RC23. Jika mendownload dari Indowebster, harap simpan dengan nama RC23.VDB. File update ini tidak berlaku untuk PCMAV versi sebelumnya.

Informasi Tambahan [15/12/2007 09:48]
Berikut ini hasil pengecekan terhadap file-file PCMAV RC23 yang diupload langsung dari DVD Majalah PC Media dan di-scan dengan menggunakan layanan VirusTotal.com.


PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) 1.0 RC23
Copyright (c) 2007 Majalah PC Media, A member of Pinpoint Publications
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100 Christmas Wallpapers

100 Christmas Wallpapers | 17.6 MB
Download from Rapidshare
Download from Mirror

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